“How Liberation Theologies Can Liberate Again.”
DARE Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 29, 2025.
“The Need for Religion and Development Research in Religious Studies.”
American Academy of Religion, San Diego, California, November 24, 2024.
“Liberating People, Planet, and Religion.”
American Academy of Religion, San Diego, California, November 23, 2024.
“Challenges to Religion and Ecology from the Capitalocene.”
International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, San Diego, California, November 22, 2024.
“Theology in the Capitalocene.”
Kritische Religionswissenschaft und The*logie Tage, Universität München, November 13, 2024.
“With the Nicene Creed—against the Grain.”
Towards Nicaea 2025: Exploring the Council’s Ecumenical Significance Today. Ecumenical Institute Château de Bossey, Switzerland, November 6, 2024.
“Moving from Charity, Service, and Advocacy to Deep Solidarity.”
European Methodist Lecture Program, Wesley House Cambridge, England, and Reutlingen School of Theology, Germany, online, October 29, 2024.
“The Futures of Liberation Theology.”
Panel Presentation, Homebrewed Christianity, Denver, Colorado, October 18, 2024.
“The Politics of Solidarity: Political Theology beyond Political Theology.”
Keynote Presentation, Homebrewed Christianity, Denver, Colorado, October 17, 2024.
“Creating a Liberative Economic Future.”
Transformative Global Leadership Conference, African University, American Baptist College, Vanderbilt University, Scarritt-Bennett Center, Nashville, September 7, 2024.
“Beyond the Holocene: Implications of Determining Our Geological Age For the Future of Methodism and the Planet.”
Oxford Institute of Wesleyan Theological Studies, Oxford, England, August 6, 2024 (https://oxford-institute.org/basic-institute-programme/).
“Exploring the Fullness of Grace: Wesleyan Moves from Charity, Service, and Advocacy to Deep Solidarity.”
Center for Faith in Public Life, Wesley House, Cambridge, England, July 31, 2024.
“Reparations and Solidarity: Dead Ends and New Beginnings.”
Theology of Reparations Consultation, United Theological College and Council for World Missions, Harare, Zimbabwe, July 25, 2024.
“Tiefe Solidarität: Die Kraft der Transformation in der Arbeitswelt.“
University of Innsbruck, Haus der Begegnung, July 8 and 9, 2024 (https://hdb.dibk.at/de/Termine/Tiefe-Solidaritaet).
“Glaubwürdig Christsein in kapitalistischen Zeiten.”
Katholische Arbeitnehmerpastoral im Erzbistum Bamberg (Catholic Worker Movement), Bamberg, Germany, June 20, 2024. (https://arbeitnehmerpastoral-bamberg.de/veranstaltungen/index.html/glaubwuerdig-christsein-in-kapitalistischen-zeiten/591b7bb9-af04-4404-b7c1-4b1dc6bbf3bc?mode=detail).
“The Christ Seminar’s Spring Colloquium on Joerg Rieger’s Jesus vs. Caesar: For People Tired of Serving the Wrong God.”
Westar Institute. Presentation and webinar, online, June 13, 2024. (https://www.westarinstitute.org/event/the-christ-seminars-spring-colloquium-on-joerg-riegers-jesus-vs-caesar-for-people-tired-of-serving-the-wrong-god).
“Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Why the Difference Matters for Religion and Everything Else.”
DePaul University, Chicago, April 30, 2024.
“Anthropocene or Capitalocene and Idolatry.”
Response to Brazilian theologian Jung Mo Sung, Vanderbilt Divinity School
Ecological Dependencies, World Christianity Studies and the Capitalocene
World Christianity and Asymmetrical Dependency and Ecological Dependencies Working Groups, University of Bonn, Germany, February 14, 2024 (via Zoom).
The Many Faces of Jesus Christ
Special Session on a book by Volker Küster, American Academy of Religion
Theology in the Capitalocene
Response to review session of my book of the same title, Class, Religion, and Theology Unit, American Academy of Religion
Organizing in the South
Respondent to Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, Benton Chapel, Vanderbilt University
“Ultimate Concerns: Theology and Labor”
New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) Conference
World Council of Churches

Religion, Economy, and Labor (CISRS Bangalore)
Joerg’s presentation is “What’s Religion Got to Do With It? Labor as a Matter of Ultimate Concern.”